How Do I Pin A Chat And Messages On Blue WhatsApp Plus?
WhatsApp introduced a new feature to pin a message or chat at the top of the window. Users can pin all types of messages like text, images, video, polls, locations, stickers, and emoji. Users can pin one message and 3 individual chats or groups in official WhatsApp accounts.
Blue WhatsApp Plus gives us more advancement in features. In Blue, WhatsApp users can pin 1 message and up to 20 individual and 20 group chats. By pin a message or chat, we can easily access important chat or information.
Steps to pin a chat in blue WhatsApp plus
If you are using Blue WhatsApp Plus and want to pin a chat, then follow this procedure. This feature works in both devices, if you are using Blue WhatsApp in PC or Mobile. If you compare Blue WhatsApp plus vs GB WhatsApp, this feature exist in all mods of WhatsApp.
Steps to unpin a chat
Method to pin a message in blue WhatsApp plus
By following these procedure users can pin a message.
Method to unpin a message
Pros and cons of pin a message or chatting in blue WhatsApp plus
Blue WhatsApp gives us the opportunity to pin up to 20 individual and group chats. It allows us to access personal and important information easily. In chat or groups, you can pin a message for 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. The pin message remains on the top of other messages.